Stemgent Stemolecule Thiazovivin

Code: 04-0017-base
  • $255.00
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Thiazovivin is a selective, cell permeable small molecule that directly targets Rho-associated kinase (ROCK)1. In addition, Thiazovivin protects human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) in the absence of ECM by regulating E-cadherin mediated cell-cell interaction1. This observation suggests that Thiazovivin promotes cell survival. In other studies Thiazovivin, in combination with inhibitors of the TGFβ receptor and MEK pathway, has shown to improve reprogramming efficiency by more than 200-fold2.

Product Name

Stemolecule Thiazovivin

Catalog Number



1 mg

Chemical Name


Chemical Formula


Molecular Weight


CAS Number



Greater than 98% by HPLC analysis


Light brown powder


Thiazovivin is soluble in DMSO at 100 mM.


For a 10 mM concentrated stock solution of Thiazovivin, reconstitute the compound by adding 321.2 µL of DMSO to the entire contents of the vial. If precipitate is observed, warm the solution to 37 °C for 2 to 5 minutes. For use in cell culture, warm the media prior to adding thiazovivin.  As a general rule, cells in culture are sensitive to DMSO in the medium at 0.5% or less.

Storage and Stability

Store powder at 4 °C protected from light. Information about the stability of Stemolecules in solution is largely not available. As a general guideline, we recommend that stock solution be freshly made and stored in aliquots at −20 °C, protected from light. The effect of storage of stock solutions should be verified for each application.

Quality Control

The purity of Thiazovivin was determined by HPLC analysis. The accurate mass was determined by mass spectrometry. No acute cytotoxicity was observed in mouse embryonic stem cells following a 6 hour exposure to 1 nM - 100 µM of Thiazovivin.

Specification Sheets

Safety Data Sheets

  1. Xu, Y., Zhu, X., Hahm, H.S., Wei, W., Hao, E., Hayek, A., and Ding, S. Revealing a core signaling regulatory mechanism for pluripotent stem cell survival and self-renewal by small molecules. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107: 8129-8134 (2010).
  2. Lin, T., Ambasudhan, R., Yuan, X., Li, W., Hilcove, S., Abujarour, R., Lin, X., Hahm, H.S., Hao, E., Hayek, A., and Ding, S. A chemical platform for improved induction of human iPSCs. Nat Methods 6: 805-808 (2009).

Additional Publications
