Stemgent StemRNA Human iPSC 771-3G

Code: RCRP005N
  • $1,560.00
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Ready to use IPS Cells made using the Cutting-Edge StemRNA 3rd Gen Reprogramming Technology.

 Taking full advantage of the power of the 3rd Gen Technology, these cells feature:

  • No possibility of integration or retention of Reprogramming Vectors
  • Immediate thawing into NutriStem hPSC XF Culture medium (Cat. No. 01-0005) in iMatrix-511 substrate (Cat. No. NP892-011) with easy conversion to other standard iPSC Media.
  • The possibility of saving significant time compared to reprogramming your own cells.
Cat. No.:RCRP005N
Strain ID:RPChiPS7713G1
Donor Race:Caucasian
Donor Sex:Male
Donor Age:32
Reprogramming Technology:StemRNA 3rd Gen
Tissue Source:Blood (EPCs)
Karyotype:Normal (46 XY)
Microbiology:Negative for bacteria, virus, mycoplasma

RPChiPS7713G1 Cells were cultured in NutriStem hPSC XF Medium on iMatrix-511 and stained for common pluripotency markers and DAPI.

Product Specifications

Product Name

StemRNA Human iPSC 771-3G

Catalog Number


Product Description

Human iPS Cells established from endothelial progenitor cells (derived from peripheral blood), reprogrammed with the Stemgent StemRNA 3rd Gen Reprogramming technology



Passage Number

Passage 14

Donor Information

  • Race: Caucasian
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 32 years old

Precryopreservation Culture Conditions

  • Culture Medium: NutriStem® hPSC XF Culture Medium (Cat. No. 01-0005)
  • Culture Matrix: iMatrix-511 (Cat. No. NP892-011)
  • Cryopreservation Medium: NutriFreezTM D10 Cryopreservation Medium (Cat. No. 01-0020-50)


1 vial, 1 × 106 cells per vial


Store in liquid nitrogen vapor phase.

Quality Control

  • Pluripotency by ICC: Pass
  • Viability: >80%
  • Bacteria: Negative
  • Mycoplasma: Negative
  • Virus (HIV1&2, HBV, HCV, HTLV1&2, Parvovirus B19): Negative
  • Karyotype: 46, XY



Notice To Purchaser

This product is intended for Research Use Only.  Commercial Use may require additional agreements. Please contact for more information.
